

Monday, April 29, 2013

It's a Long Fall...

...Off the wagon some times. And here is where I heave a big sigh. ~SIGH~
I didn't cook this weekend. GASP! Not for three whole days! I's weird for me too. We just had way too much going on.

We visited some good friends in their new home Friday night, this involved much pizza and wine. Oh, and popcorn and clementines. Yeah, I don't know where all the food came from either!! I think I handled myself quite well however, I had gluten free pizza, and only 2 glasses of wine. 1 handful of popcorn, and as many slices of clementine as Pixie was willing to share with me. Plus, I worked out hard Friday afternoon, so I was only about 200 calories over my limit :-/

Saturday we had the pleasure of attending a very beautiful wedding. Hubby's cousin finally married his amazing girlfriend. It was a small, family & close friends, event; in a beautiful little chapel. Followed by dinner at a fantastic Creole restaurant (did you see my demise just walk through the door?). There's really not a low-fat option when it comes to true Creole. So....hubby and I split a piece of bread the size of my hand, topped with a splendid homemade rhubarb jam. We also split a bowl of Sweet Potato and Crab Bisque (I will have to cajole this recipe out of someone). Then came the dinner...sides were Garlic Butter Green Beans, and Mashed Potatoes. Both were fantastic. Hubby elected to have a Chicken and Crawfish Buerre Blanc...while I caved and had Red Beans and Rice. That is one of my very most favorite dishes, and this one did not disappoint me! And, of course, at a have wedding cake! This one was chocolate, upon chocolate, upon chocolate. We shared a piece of that as well. I lost count of the glasses of wine and champagne I drank. And I had a bloody mary in there somewhere too.
Since Grandma was nice enough to keep Pixie for a sleepover, Hubby and I decided to cap off our "free" evening with a movie! We went and saw the new GI Joe....not bad! I like a good action flick. But I also like movie theatre popcorn (we split a small bag). Another big ~SIGH~ here....I think Saturday was the key point in  my headlong dive off "the wagon"

Yesterday (Sunday) was the busiest day yet! We are taking a small family vacation later this week, and so we have a relative staying at our house to cat-sit while we are gone. Therefore, I feel obligated to present a spotless house. Now...those of you who have children know just how many things go out the window, in trade for keeping the kiddos occupied (and allowing yourself 5 minutes of "me" time somewhere in a 24 hour period). I only have one child at the moment (lord knows I'm gonna need serious assistance when I have another), and the thing that took a nosedive out my window, was house cleaning. Don't get me wrong...I vacuum, I sweep and mop. The kitchen and bathrooms are clean. But...I haven't dusted in months, I hadn't cleaned my basement/office/laundry room in more months, and my dining room table is in there, somewhere, under the pile of school papers, tupperware, and discarded jackets. So...trying to catch up on months of neglected chores is keeping us hopping! Therefore, we took advantage of the baby-free morning to super-clean as much as we could (there's still a list 20 items long to finish off in 3 days), and I didn't think to make dinner. So we ate leftovers...which given how I normally cook, wasn't so bad.

Overall...I managed to gain back 4 pounds. ~the cursing/sobbing combination starts now~
I know that's not a huge number, and a couple pounds is probably just water. Logically I know that. But it is such a struggle for me to lose any weight, that anything I see as a "setback" makes me furious, and depressed all at once.
So...I am fighting the black mood by having a smoothie, and one cup less coffee for breakfast. Eating leftover Buffalo Bites for lunch. And we'll be having grilled chicken and salad for dinner. I have a workout planned this afternoon. And my little vacation to look forward to. This vacation will involve lots and lots and lots and lots of I'm hoping to use that to my advantage.
But I decided I am not going to stress overmuch about food while we're there. I want to have fun with my family, and leave all other cares by the wayside, I'll pick them back up on the way home. :-)

Also, since we're traveling later this week, I am not cooking much. A simple grilled chicken tonight, tomorrow is leftovers again. And Wednesday....Wednesday is our 4 year wedding anniversary! So we're going to have a nice dinner, while Pixie hangs out with her cousin (and Aunt and Uncle) for a couple of hours. Then Thursday we're off!
Look for more about traveling with a toddler, and tasty vacation food to come! I'll be back with tasty, healthy recipes next week!

Simple Grilled Chicken
2 chicken breasts, butterflied
garlic powder
onion powder
ground cayenne pepper

Season both sides of chicken generously with desired seasoning.
Heat grill to med-hi (don't forget to clean your grill before/after each use!)
Grill chicken 5-7 minutes on each side, depending on thickness. You want breasts cooked, but not dry.

Serve with your choice of side. I had a nice Spring Greens salad with mine.
You can also choose to top the chicken with a little cheese, Heinz 57 sauce, or anything else you like.
Hubby chose to pair his with some rice.

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