

Monday, February 18, 2013

This is an introduction

Hello folks!

If you've clicked on this blog, it is likely that you are interested in a Paleo Lifestyle, like me!

I'm going to be honest, this is my first blog. Ever. So, I will try not to be horrendously boring and predictable.

I've started this blog, because I am bound and determined to get myself into a healthy place. Which I am not right now, not by about 60 pounds :-/ The rest of my family, at this time, is reasonably healthy; but very dependent on those processed carbs that are so ready to hand nowadays. I hate that.

The goal here, is to find tasty, healthy alternatives to processed food. Use as many fresh and whole ingredients as possible. And to have fun and educate myself (and in turn you all) by doing so!
Will this be a die hard Paleo blog? No...simply put, I cannot live without cheese. I would shrivel up and die. I can feel it starting just thinking of doing without cheese. So....cheese is still in (and there was much rejoicing)!
Will there be lots of dazzling photos, witty repartie, experiments, and mouthwatering recipes in this blog? YES!! I love to cook! So half of the challenge is to take recipes that are most definitely not Paleo friendly, and attempt to make them so. Will I always succeed? Likely not. At least not on the first try...but I refuse to give in! I will taunt you with my delectable meals, and then eat them myself! Muahahahaaaa!

I wish you luck in reading this blog, if you wish me luck in writing it!
Keep your eyes open for the first installment!


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